Monday, February 14, 2011

Spring is coming!!!

Its getting warmer outside....finally.

For the first time this winter, you could taste the change in the air.

Align Centerhappy valentines

Its been a manic few weeks, collage admittance test all over the place, 2 days renewing my CPR, first aid and A.E.D. certificates, driving courses and then in the middle of it less than 7days notice that I had finally got to go for my Citizenship acceptance exam. Its a little bit overwhelming.

Anyway I flew through the first aid, not surprising as I used to teach it for a living back in the day. The driving is all theory and despite being a little mind numbingly boring is just another thing to check off the list.

The entrance exams are a little more stressful but actually somewhat hard to prepare for, each collage has their own test they want you to do. So I spent the weeks buffing up on chemistry (my favourite..not), biology, and maths (meh), but when I got there this weekend it was actually pretty easy and nothing like the book I'd been advised to buy in preparation.

Is it summer yet???

Next up its time to learn the Canadian national anthem, buff up on politicians (more meh) and scrub up for the test this Thursday. Still if it goes well I could have dual nationality by the summer.

Then its off to British Columbia for 10days of holiday snowboarding, then back for more of the same, English exams, another H.O.A.E and what ever else they decide to throw at me....I'll be glad when I know where I stand with all this, for now everything, my cycling season included, is all up in the air.

Talking of which my training is not super great at the moment, motivation is low, especially with the shit weather although I've been out the last two days for some light rides. Nothing serious, but I have been trying a new ride out.

A fasted state ride, essentially an hour and a half pretty easy ride but without eating anything before going. You get up and go, no breakfast, no tea or coffee, you just head out and spin at a kind of level 2 power/HR, and hope you don't pass out along the way.

I have to say its not much fun when its sub-zero outside or like to day +4c but wet and filthy from all the melting snow and 4mths of shit thats finally getting released. If the sun Hadn't of popped it head out I would have quit about 1hr in today, but as it was I managed to tough it out for the duration.

Anyway for now my goals are collage and weight loss. We'll see how things are at the start of next month. Hopefully the weather will be better and I'll have some idea of where I stand with the paramedics course.

Ok heres todays stats:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

After the trainer the treat!!!

I love Winter.

I realised recently whilst in the midst of planning for a trip out west for a short snowboard trip, that given the chance, I'd rather be a ski bum up to my ass in powder, in the glades than riding a bike.

This winter in particular has been harder than the last two. Its now February and and there is little sight of the roads clearing up any-time soon. Which somewhat compounds my attempts at keeping the winter weight off and get my self ready to roll for the up coming season, now only a couple of months away.

Added to that I seem (perhaps unsurprisingly) to be having more an more exams and admittance tests as I attempt to pursue a career as a Paramedic. Which wouldn't be to bad if it weren't for the fact they seem to include totally random subject matter, on topics I love to hate.

Chemistry + Maths.

However ironically although I haven't studied it for over 20+yrs, my knowledge and understanding of contemporary physics far out strips my comprehension of the former subjects, in no small part due to the hours I've wasted watching Horizon Documentaries over the past few years.

Anyway the upshot of all this seems to be that I'll be spending the next few weeks studying for my HOAE's, whilst trying to shed those extra pounds. Luckily it seems that is more than acceptable with my revision texts that actively encourage me to exercise for at least 30mins a day...sweet!

combine that with having to renew my CPR, first aid and get my driving licence, I guess I really shouldn't be writing this feckin blog right now.

Anyhoo my workout/stress management today consisted of a short but sweet session of speed drills on my trainer.

10mins WU
12x30sec @ 120rpm and a high power and 1min rest intervals
10mins CD

All whilst my post ride recovery was baking in the oven.....

Roast apples sprinkled with a little brown sugar, raisins and rolled oats.
