Sunday, October 31, 2010

I`s is #1 : y'all be # 2 or less....

Well i always wanted to ride a wet and muddy CX race .. today i got my chance.

round 4 of the Southern Ontario Cup series kicked off after a hard night of rain, sub zero temps and a couple of inches of snow to top it all off!

Hillbillie Hustle 2010

All of which made for a particularly interesting race. I wiped out on the first technical section sliding a couple of meters down the slope away from my bike. And then after picking myself back up i swiftly fell back on my arse again. Not the most auspicious start to the race.

The mud and snow played havoc with my pedals making it nearly impossible to clip back in through out the course all of which was compounded by the fact that i could change out of my top 2 gears (luckily not too much of a problem on such a slow and slippery course). However i still managed to slip off the front of the group and stay upright for the remainder of the race to snatch my first victory! woohoo!

which one of us won? (Chris and his magic winning team car)

Which leaves me placed nicely at the top of the table in the current standings, with three races left in the series, pretty much the only obstacle to me wining overall is the threat of being upgraded before the end of the season....(not a real hardship i guess)

Victory at last!!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

the story so far!!!

Well the weekend saw the UCI come to town
with 2 CX events being held in toronto.

I raced both with various levels of commitment and success.

Saturday was a hard fought race, I was caught out of a possible podium place when i had a bizarre mechanical whilst attacking hard on a hill for 2nd place and the wheel of my team mate Rob Sule.

by the time i had figured it out 32 seconds had passed, and i had all but given hope of staying anywhere in the race. But when i saw no one was coming past me i thought i might as well stick it out till the end.

SO i dragged my self back up to catch 2 of the 7 guys ahead of me and came in 5th. Not bad considering. Anyway my confidence and my technical skills are improving each event, so its all good.

Sunday was a done for experience and training and i soon dropped away from the front runners to come in 14th.

this coming weekend see's another double feature with the prov's and kelso CX coming up. both again are low priority races.

mostly cause I'm going to get my ass kicked at the provincial champs and the next southern Ontario cup isn't for another 2weeks.

let hope its a muddy one!!!

Friday, October 15, 2010


had a great race last weekend.

came very close to getting 1st, a lost a 2nd place when i stacked it on the on an off camber section. but hung in for 3rd and my first podium place....

woo hoo! Which leaves me ranking third overall now in the southern ontario cup standings. The next S.O.cup race is not for a while but we have a busy couple of weekends coming up.

the toronto UCI CX weekend is here, two races at centennial park starting tomorrow, and then the following weekend its the provincial championships and a sunday race afterwards.

I'm going to do all of them (if i can) and use it as training for the final rounds of the Cup.

on top of that i've stepped up my training. including 30min runs 2x a week and some reps on the stairs over the park! they hurt but not quite as much as my ribs do after going ass over tit last night following El Capitian, Paul Greene fro a night ride through hyde park.

good times, good times...

Now we'vew got

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The CX season so far...

fame at last

So having been reliably informed today that at least one person reads my blog, even if they can't understand half of what i babble on about, i thought it were high time i updated it.

Well last week saw the 2nd round of the S.O. CX cup and I managed to grab forth despite dropping my chain twice....(amateur). But with my fitness and technique slowly improving each week there is a slim chance i might be able to get a podium tomorrow at round three....(unless in the spirit of coronation street something terrible happens in the mean time).

So i'll roll out tomorrow and see what happens. i'll keep you (and by that i mean you Broady!!!) posted.

here's the current standings at the top of the table in my division after the first two CX races.

PlaceNameBest 6/612License
1Sule, Robert45252065405
1Buschlen, Scott45202570676
3Schuman, Jamie2113870726
4Maxwell, Kieran2071365385
5Chambers, Chris1910964165