There was a dusting of snow this morning. nothing serious, but it would probably shut down the UK for a week or so.
I was a little concerned about the how the cycle path would be along lake shore and the Humber valley. On the whole it wasn't too bad, but the photo above shows that here in Canada when it gets icy it really gets icy.
I was bitching about the roads in the UK, this Christmas. this was a little more challenging to get across, but with light fading and blood sugar dropping I made it across a stretch of about 200m.
But dieting and riding seldom go hand in hand. With about 10km to go I started to get hungry, about 6km to go I felt my blood sugar starting to drop, by the time I got home I could barely walk up the stairs....I hate that feeling, happens all to often.
The cold sits deep in your bones and takes hours to go away, I laid in bed with a hot water bottle and a Dakini helping me warm up.
I definitely recommend having one of each on hand for such times if you can afford it!
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