It was -13c when I got up, -11c by the time i got out the door and i can safely say its one if not the worse experience i have ever had whilst cycling.
The first 45 mins went to plan then it all started to go pear shaped, in what turned out to be a most spectacular fashion. 1hr into it I started to feel my legs starting to become unusually tired for the amount of effort i was putting in ( a simple E2 ride turning out an average power of 230w), but being all motivated i resisted the little voice in my head telling me I should really start to head home now and thought "oh I'll just do one more circuit before heading back....beef cake" etc etc.
Its quite a indescribable experience, utterly unpleasant yet spectacularly intriguing at the same time.
The next 45mins degenerated into a abstract, hellish ride home, where I was barely able to turn my pedals over, as my body had a complete blood sugar crash, affectionately known as a bonk in cycling circles. Quite the worse one I have ever had.
Basically your blood glucose levels are depleted, so you're forced to break down fat reserves, muscles, brain cells and whatever else the body can get it grubby mitts on to survive. Problem being it can't process these quickly enough to meet the demands of the efforts you asking of it. So the only answer is a system slow down, that leads to eventual shut down.
Brain function is impaired, legs lose all power ( i could barely turn 100w by the end) and some very primitive base animal minds start to kick in about survival and food. Its quite a indescribable experience, utterly unpleasant yet spectacularly intriguing at the same time.
By the time I got home I was feeling like I was about to collapse, deathly pale, and experiencing what seemed like hypothermia.
Anyway here the power files for anyone interested.. and below a little video of life before it all went Pete tong.
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