What a fuckin crap week I've had....
Its was utterly disappointing on so many different fronts....
On the employment front, jobs kept disappearing into the ether, a day or so from commencing. its going to be very hard to make ends meet this month.
And then to top it off my planned weekend of racing, came to nothing when my comrades license was fucked up by the OCA. So he had to bail out less then 24hrs from the start ( see there is a theme here).
What made it worse was the fact that i had already registered for a different race before, everyone else chose to do another race, so all in all i lost out on 2 lots of registration fee's......grrrrr
I will not be making that mistake again.
So weeks of preparation and training down the Swanee, as well as a sizable chunk of my already severely limited monthly budget.
This week i shall mostly be wearing.....a decidedly lack luster enthusiasm for team sports and racing.
I'm seriously considering taking up Triathlons, individual time trialing, or simply just knitting.
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