There is something about getting older that I'm learning to appreciate as well as become slightly disconcerted by....
Oh! joy upon joy, the chance to steal a afternoon siesta!
The fact that the more I train and struggle to live my life at Mach 5, the more I appreciate the feeling I get from a good nights sleep, or Oh joy upon joy the chance to steal a afternoon siesta!
No longer do I want to head out clubbing all night, chasing young women and generally getting all Tom Boonen on your arse! If I manage to get to bed by 10.30 on a week night I spend the next day floating around on a natural high, that would probably be prohibited by the UCI if they realised what an advantage it afforded me.
This is a hard concept for me to grasp, having been somewhat of a party animal for most of my youth and a definite night owl. Part of me feels like I'm losing out on something.
But i guess that just the reluctance to accept the inevitability of gradual cellular disintegration.
lIfE iS Just ToO cONfuSIng sOMetimEs......
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