hmm there are so many things I could write about....
but I guess I can group them broadly between "roadies" and "fixies" and couriers.
Although I could probably find a whole bunch of shit to complain about MTBikers as well but lets face it I never see them so what do I care? So long as they continue to keep them selves to them selves, out in the back woods rolling in poison Ivy....
Here though I think I'll be focusing mostly on the fixed gear fad..
I understand and support their freedom to do as they wish, but I'll maintain the right to think they're twats at the same time.
Anyway the current "me too!" trend of rockin a "fixie" in the down town core is fine i guess. Although I personally don't get it! When you crash as much as I do you want all the safety features you can muster.
You know like brakes and the ability to coast when doing 40+mph down a hill! I realise I'm not the best cyclist, but I just don't think I could easily sustain a cadence of 300rpm for long periods of time and still retain that obligatory aura of aloofness.
But I guess if I want everyone to take in my Italian hand tensioned, custom, deep section magenta wheel set and matching hand sewn leather bar tape I'd be cruising around at 10mph as well.
I lost interest in pursuing that particular folly shortly after the advent of the drive train.
As it is I appreciate the ability to slam on the brakes when being cut off by a blind Nigerian cab driver, or side swiped by a multi-functioning soccer Mum, texting her estranged 1st husband, whilst snorting coke off her daughters lunch box in her SUV, but hey that's just me.
However I understand and support their freedom to do as they wish, but I'll maintain the right to think they're twats at the same time.
Gee democracy is great!

I know there are those that think they are upholding the purity of cycling by keeping it real on the 42x16, but me, I lost interest in pursuing that particular folly shortly after the advent of the drive train. Either as purists we go direct drive or accept the inevitability of progress and embrace gears, chains and all the other crap that comes along with it like brakes.
Anyway I suspect its just another in the long line of indicators (such as my new found appreciation of sleep, over class "A" drug abuse) that in fact... I'm just getting old!
The choice of function over fashion.

That and becoming yet another grumpy opinionated bastard on a bicycle....hmm maybe I should be riding a fixed gear after all.....or grow a beard and get a recumbent!
ah bUt tHen tHAts aNOther stORy....
ask me sometime about the fixie purist I passed on a 25 mile downhill during hte 508. 300rpm was pretty close to what he was doing as I slipped by in a nice tuck on my rails. :)