Firstly forgive the title of today's blog, I'm experimenting with organic search engines, and seeing how i can lure people unexpectedly into here.
I've been using google analytics's functions to see what brings you all here and apparently a search for hot Lycra butt will do it so I thought well why not embrace the whole thing and promptly kill it all with a picture of me braving the 30mph headwinds and -3c snow flurries to get home today...
Yesterdays morning commute was an adventure, sleet and snow and ice pellets being driven into my face at 7 am on the dark down-town streets, took me nearly twice as long as usual but hey I made it, soaked and frozen to spend the day at work, freezing and wet......which was nice.
Today however I have the day off from work, I should be taking care of all manor of administrative chores but to be honest I don't think I can face much more time out in the cold and ice.
I already have an afternoon appointment I need to get to 30mins (perhaps an hour) into the wind from here, and then the trip to school tonight, which will make perhaps 2.5hrs of treacherous sub zero riding.
That trainer is starting to look more and more appealing all the time
update: i received this information today regarding my blog.....
ReplyDelete"fyi: your site comes up #2 in a search for "hot sexy chocolate lycra
butts." Just after asspoint.com."