So i hooked up with Merik Mazur an ex US team coach, canadian team coach and ex pro rider from Poland. Its his training camp i'm on at the moment.
For now there is myself and three young cat I cyclists from around Canada. Some of whom i've raced with and one lad from Abitsibi in north Quebec.
Within about 5 mins of being here he told me i was too fat! ,although i'm actually the leanest i've been for some time. But i guess thats pretty much par for the course in cycling where power to weight ratio is everything!
Anyway we're placed at the foot of the mountains in Tucson Arizona. Pretty much every where is up hill even the downhills.
Anyway i'm pretty stoked to be here, its going to be a really great experience. And riding with those Cat I guys is going to be excellent.
Merik helped me with the set up of my bikeFit yesterday, which has already resulted in some significant changes, he rasied my saddle over 3cm, a huge increase, it'll be interesting to see how it rides later today, it certainly makes my bike look very different.
anyway day 1 was an easy (?) tempo ride around the foot hills of Mt Lemon, 96km 1000m+ vertical ascent.
day 2 will be a little longer, however saturday is the local blatt, 150+ riders doing 160km, described to me as the "donut" on steriods, and its not unusual to have several pro riders turn up. apparently the first 50km is a steady gradiant of 3-4% up hill then it gets crazy.
i have to say i'm a little intimidated, but thats fine its not the first time i've found my self i nthat kind of posistion.
anyway i was minus my power tap for the first ride as it was still MIA but i had my garmin so
here the details of day 1
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