I call .....SNOW DAY!!!!!!!
Feck it spring is around the corner, warmer snow free weather is two days away.
i woke up at six am looked out the window at the 40kmph winds and drifting snow and said "feck that!" ate my breakfast and went back to bed!
Got up went for breakfast...pancakes.
Went home swapped out my winter gearing for the summer drive train and decided to take it easy and wait for the storm to pass....went and bought an old copy of Nina Hagens "Nunsexmonkrock" on vinyl.

The combination of white lightening blotters and this album corrupted my childhood for ever ;0).
Later I'm going to go for a Indian and sit on my arse all night....
I've been in a state of constant starvation for the last 3months, i've lost 11lbs, as soon as the weather breaks I'll be back out again heading in to lactic overload on a regular basis,
bUT 4 nOw...
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