OK just a little update on how things are progressing.
well the weather has been awful yet strangely mild. My planned ride to Niagara and back got shelved. Morning rain and 35kmph head winds were enough to dampen my enthusiasm for riding 340km, as a fun thing to do...next year, there is always next year!
anyway the weight loss is progressing along, seeing a gradual decline even, with the extra upper body mass I've accumulated from passing the last month or so underpinning and digging out a basement.
So in relative terms I imagine I'm a lower body fat percentage than this time last year. So hopefully when work gets a little more technical again and a little less grunt like I'll start to see the benefits even more, however I'm still about 8lbs above my target weight for next season.
So I passed the day by heading to my old bike shop and getting some fenders fitted to my hack bike, hopefully now I won't have to arrive with a wet butt. Its not a great way to start the day especially as the temperatures drop.
Next I'm off to scope out a gym membership. (UPDATE: 1 year membership secured here we go again)
Tomorrow is the official start of my base training season.
Although team placement is still up in the air for now, things are looking promising and i hope to know within the week.
happy Halloween kids
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